Registrations for IAMinSG

Good news for all of you! Registrations for membership is now free! However you are still strongly encouraged to donate $10 to the fund of IAMinSG. The money will be used for the presents to the boys during their visit in Singapore!

Hurry up now! Check out the details here!

Registration for Official IAMinSG

Yes registrations are now open! Hurry up now. Click the link below for more details.

The basic registration fee will be $10 for a year. However for first time registrations, you will be required to get the accessories (cost excluded in the basic $10 fee). You will have to renew your membership one year after your first membership is issued to you. (example you paid and we confirm your membership on 20th june 2010, your membership will end on the 20th june 2011 and you would have to renew it after that)

Fanclub Merchandises are:
Fanclub Tshirt
Membership Card
Lanyard (with card holder &hp strap)
Silicon Wrist Band